Saturday, April 2, 2011

March 2011

Trying to get Britton's 18 month bear photo.

(March 9, 2011.)

Waiting for her 18 month well-child visit. Sawyer's oncology visit -- March 29, 2011
Britton was playing blocks with another boy. She's looking

at him because she wants me to take a picture of him.

March 29, 2011

Waiting for the doctor.

Holding Mr. Tubie while the nurse runs to get something else. Hanging out.
Britton at her ENT follow-up -- March 30.

March Pictures -- 2011

The Johnston 5 on St. Patrick's Day

Such a happy boy at 6 a.m. ready for his MRI--

March 18, 2011. The Johnston 5 enjoying a family hike.
We recently found a fun, new park.

Sawyer's Endocrinology Visit -- March 9, 2011

Britton wanted her picture taken.

My camera was too slow. Sawyer just

finished vitals. Coloring while waiting for the doctor. Sawyer sure loves his fancy coloring/crayon bag compliments of his Great Aunt Elaine. Sawyer sure LOVES Britton.

Britton's Ear Surgery -- March 8, 2011

Britton was all smiles when we first arrived

at the hospital at 6:30 a.m.

Britton lost it when she found out this procedure was for her and not Sawyer. Home after surgery. Britton hated this mask on her baby but I just had to put it on for this picture. When she came out of surgery, this mask was on her baby. When Britton noticed, she screamed and screamed and tried ripping it off. Sawyer sure loves his little sister. Before I took this picture, he told me that he didn't want Britton to grow up. He said, "She's so cute!"

February 2011

Pretty Princess Britton ready for church.

She insisted on having a picture with Sawyer. She sure loves him. My beautiful girls!
Britton absolutely LOVES her ABC cards.

She mastered all the letter sounds at 18 months old.

She eats, drinks & sleeps ABC's (literally, we've caught

her saying her ABC's in her sleep.) I love to hear

her recite her ABC's which happens

several times a day!