Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Batman's Visit to the Clinic-- October 19, 2009

Sawyer's follow up visit to get his latest MRI results.

Showing off the pumpkin sucker the nurse gave him for being such a
good sport during his blood draw.

October 2009

Our sleeping beauty--Miss Britton.
A Handsome Sawyer Ready for Church
Oct. 18th

The Johnston 5 ready to head to church--this was Britton's first time to stay
for all of the church meetings. Oct. 18, 2009

I was recently "attacked" by these two masked men.

My Favorite Five!

Pumpkin Patch -- October 20, 2009

Our favorite pumpkin--Baby Britton enjoyed being carried around
by my friend Julie. Britton is wearing a sweater my English friend
made Makenna almot ten years ago.
Sawyer absolutely loved feeding the chickens.

He even tried being a chicken-he had to visit the coop. He
found four eggs as well.

The llamas loved eating hay from Sawyer's hand.

Sawyer loved picking out his very own pumpkin.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sawyer's MRI -- October 8, 2009

Sawyer had so much fun building and knocking down these blocks in
the waiting room.
Sawyer was mesmerized by the TV--this is what happens with a child who gets
little TV. Everyone was getting a kick out of Sawyer and his glass-eyed stare.

Julie and Ms. Britton

The TV

Hard to believe our Ms. Britton is a month old!

Britton Taylor's Baby Blessing -- Sunday, September 27th, 2009

Just had to share some pictures of our beautiful baby girl on her blessing day. We decided to have her blessing so early because my parents were in town and they didn't want to miss Britton's blessing before they headed back to New Mexico. My good friend Julie made Britton's gorgeous dress. Makenna was excited because Britton wore the same shoes that Makenna wore when she was blessed. Enjoy!