Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mommy decided to give me a haircut on Saturday. She and Daddy thought it'd make my bald spot and thinning hair less noticeable. It definitely did the trick.

I always sit so still for my haircuts.
Seeing Santa at our church Christmas party. I love talking about "Ho, Ho," reading about him and seeing him from a distance, but when someone wants me to sit on his lap, that's a different story.
Mommy insisted that she get a picture of me with Santa. I was not happy one bit.
Santa thought it would help if Hunter joined us. Not at all...I just wanted to get away.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ready for church--all dressed up in our Christmas best! Don't we look handsome and beautiful?!
Making gingerbread houses Sunday night. I was more interested in eating the candy.
Talking to Papa on the phone. Papa lives in New Mexico and I ask to call him all the time.

Christmas Eve 2007--The Program

Eating some dessert. Notice the hat I'm wearing. It came from a Christmas cracker. Ever since Mommy lived in England (years ago), she's adopted the English tradition of having Christmas crackers. This was the first year our crackers didn't come straight from England. We found out that the English crackers are much better than the ones we can get in America. Bummer.
The first act on the program--Don't I look adorable shaking my bells to "Jingle Bells."
Bridger even sang a solo...he picked a tune from High School Musical and he was awesome! (That's me at the bottom of the picture. I'm playing with some bunny ears I used to help Hunter do a little skit.)
Makenna and Bridger sang O Christmas Tree while I was the tree. (Sorry this picture isn't the greatest! Mommy and Daddy had a hard time juggling things and taking pictures.)
Hunter and I helped put up the flannel board pictures for the story I Believe in Santa. (It's a really neat story about how the Christmas symbol of Santa can remind us of Christ. It's one of the books we read every Christmas.)

Christmas Eve 2007--The Nativity

Singing "Picture a Christmas"--This was the same song they sang at church.
Shepherd and angel--I (Sawyer) was supposed to be a shepherd as well but I was too tired to participate.
The three wisemen--notice Hunter in the middle. He was so excited to be a wiseman this year. Last year he was a shepherd.
Makenna begged to be Mary this year because she wanted to hold the "Baby Jesus."
The group!

Christmas 2007

I'm so excited about my stocking. Santa fills our stockings and then leaves them in our rooms. We can look at them first thing when we wake up. (Helps occupy us a bit so we don't bother Mom and Dad too early. ) After going through our stockings and showing everyone else what we received, we have to straighten up our rooms, make our beds and have family prayer. Then we get to head downstairs to see what else Santa left us.
I was so excited about the crawling caterpillar in my stocking. I couldn't believe he could move all by himself.
Lining up to head downstairs. Another tradition is that we have to line up youngest to oldest to head downstairs. I'm lucky because I'll always be first. Did you know that Mommy also did this when she was a child? (She was the 3rd of 6 children so she was always near the back.) Daddy headed down first to turn on the Christmas tree lights and to start some Christmas music. He also got the video camera ready to catch our expressions.
Playing with the train that Santa left me. Our Santa gifts are always left unwrapped in front of the Christmas tree.
Having fun opening one of my gifts. We take turns opening gifts. Sometimes I had a hard time waiting and would grab someone else's gift and start opening it. Don't worry...the gift in this picture is really mine.

Christmas 2007 Continued...

If at first you don't succeed...
use your teeth!
I'm a little dance maniac!
Playing with the train Santa brought me. Notice that the haircut Mommy gave me really helped blend in the back of my hair. Now that bald spot is hardly noticeable and it looks like my hair may even be growing back in there!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Merry Christmas and Hunter's Preschool Christmas Party-December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas! These are the Christmas cards we sent out this year-- The scripture verse is Romans 15:13 if you can't read it.
This past Wednesday Mommy and I were able to go to Hunter's preschool Christmas concert and party. Here I am running around the gym before the concert started. I did not want to take my hat off.
Enjoying a feast at the party. Notice my thinning hair...
Hunter made a really cool Christmas tree snack--here he is applying green frosting to his sugar cone.
Then Hunter was able to decorate the tree with various candies. Here's the finished tree!

Hunter's Preschool Party Continued...

The kids played a really fun game and of course, I wanted to join in. As music was playing the children passed a large Christmas present around the circle. When the music stopped, the child holding the box was able to open it up and pull out a surprise. This continued until each child had a surprise. I sat in the circle as well and got very upset because I wanted a turn to open up the box. I never got a chance so Mommy had to take me away from the circle kicking and screaming.

Hunter was so worried that he was never going to get a chance to hold the box. Look at the expression on his face when the music stopped and he was holding the box. See how intently I'm watching...hoping that the box will stop in front of me.
In order to get prepared for our upcoming nativity on Christmas Eve, Mommy helped us go through all the nativity costumes. Here I am trying on my shepherd's costume.
The Johnston Four taking a picture break on our journey to Bethlehem. Makenna's going to be Mary this year. Hunter's a wiseman and Bridger and I are going to be shepherds. Now I've just got to find a sheep--Mommy does have a little one for me to carry.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Chemo #13 --Dec. 17--1st Chemo of Maintenance Plan

Having fun doing crafts.
Not sure what to think of Santa. I kept checking on him.
Unwrapping my gift from Santa.
Checking on Santa again.
My scalp sure is itchy now that my hair is thinning out. Dr. Meany said this is normal. I really like to scratch the bald spot on the back of my head.

Chemo #13 --Dec. 17--continued

It's snack time. Waiting for my chemo.

Sawyer loves his red hat. He wanted it back on and would not take it off for the rest of our visit.

At this point Sawyer was more interested in his snack than helping Ms. Kelly. Saywer did get one last push in.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Consult with Dr. Arceci at John Hopkins in Baltimore-December 6, 2007

We were in the playroom for an hour waiting for Dr. Arceci. I kept my parents busy! I was into everything and kept changing my mind about what I wanted to do.
Of course, you know...Daddy headed right to the video games and Mommy started snapping pictures.