Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Here's one of the photos we used for our Christmas card this year.

December 2009

We were finally able to get Sawyer's medicine--Dec. 16, 2009. Here he is doing his first treatment. He's all smiles because this picture was taken when we first started. The smile lasted about 5 seconds and then he was in tears.
He was more cooperative when the mask came off.

Makenna was one of the Chinese Dancers for the 5th grade
performance of The Nutcracker Suite.

Our Miss Britton's growing up too quickly. She's now 3 months old.

Britton's bored by all the photos-we're on our way to church--Dec. 13.

Random pictures from Sawyer's Make-a-Wish trip

Breakfast at GTW.
Sawyer was so excited to meet Scooby and Shaggy at GTW.

Some of the decorations at GTW.

Sawyer had a wonderful time!

Random pictures from Sawyer's Make-a-Wish trip

Sawyer was so excited to fight Darth Vader.
The kids with Santa at GTW.

Sawyer and Hunter participated in the Village Idol at GTW. They did
a dancing routine--they were a big hit.

This quote is true! It was so wonderful to forget about
all our worries at home.

The kids loved being tucked in by Mayor Clayton at our villa.

Random pictures from Sawyer's Make-a-Wish trip

We enjoyed the Ice exhibit at the Gaylord Palms. It was a brisky 9 degrees.
Our visit with Mickey and friends at GTW.

Sawyer was THRILLED to have a private greeting with
these superheroes.

Sawyer's ultimate favorite--a private greeting with the Power Rangers!
This was worth the whole trip for him.

December 2009

Sawyer's pulmonology visit with Dr. Sami on December 1.

Miss Britton was pretty good during the long doctor visit.

Heading to the airport for Sawyer's Make-a-Wish trip. The kids loved the limo ride.

November 2009

Our sweet Britton on Thanksgiving Day.
Makenna's favorite B-day gift.

We sure enjoyed our traditional Thanksgiving meal at Mount Vernon.

The boys and Britton--Thanksgiving Day!

Our beautiful Makenna on her 10th birthday.