Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 2008 -- Mummies, Swimming and Cows

We talked so much about mummies last week that Sawyer pretended to be one. While I was folding clothes, he kept wrapping himself in this sheet and telling me that he was a mummy. After putting away the clothes, I found Sawyer like this.
Bridger had his very first swim meet on Wednesday, June 18. He was awesome! He came away with a first place in the freestyle, first place in a relay and 2nd place in the backstroke. The first place backstroke winner was 2 years older than Bridger and Bridger almost beat him. Way to go, Bridger! Bridger's coach pulled me aside a couple of days ago (so almost a week after this first meet) and told me that he is very impressed with Bridger. He said Bridger has an amazing kick! On Saturday, June 21st we visited the Cows n' Corn Farm in Midland, VA. We had a great time seeing all the animals and learning a lot about cows. We even went on a 30 min. hayride tour of the dairy farm.
After the hayride, we attended "Cow School" and learned even more about cows. Did you know that cows do not have any top teeth? The kids loved getting up close and personal with a cow.
We even made some butter. Shake, shake, shake...

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