Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sick Sawyer -- March 20, 2008

This picture was actually taken last Sunday, March 16th--right before Sawyer started getting sick. The kids and I were trying to play a game of Clue. We were having a tough time keeping Sawyer away from our game. He finally got sick of us pushing him away. He left and after a few minutes I had Bridger go check on him. It was a little too quiet. Well, Mr. Sawyer had been having a great time with the Vaseline! Thankfully, he did a good job of keeping it on himself and not getting much of it elsewhere.
Our sick Sawyer--Sawyer found this hat while we were waiting for his prescription today. It was on clearance and I couldn't resist. Well, he's kept it on the rest of the day.
Finally, some rest...but it didn't last long!

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