Monday, November 12, 2007

Treatment #10 (Chemo #4 of 2nd Six Weeks-Nov. 12)

Getting ready to leave our house-This picture was taken just after Mommy put the numbing cream on. She should have used a smaller piece of "Press n' Seal" to cover it, though, because I ripped it off soon after we got in the car. Mommy had to run back in the house and get some more.

Here's where I go each week to get my chemo. The clinic is on the 2nd floor.
Playing with my monkeys while waiting to head to the back room.
Hunter enjoyed some coloring time with me.
Hunter's favorite thing to do, though, was to watch TV. I'd run over a couple of times to see what was going on, but I'm really not a big fan of TV.

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