Saturday, August 27, 2011

First Day of School - August 25, 2011

At school waiting for the bell to ring.

Britton's ready for school.

Cool candy pencils I made for the kids to take to their teachers
on the first day of school.

First Day of School -- August 25, 2011

Attending the school open house -- Monday, August 22, 2011.

All smiles on the first day of school!

The Johnston 4 ready for the first day of school--7th grader, 5th grader, 2nd grader & Kindergartner!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sweet Britton Taylor

Dressed in pink ready to head out to face the day.

August 20, 2011

We thought for sure that Britton would be thrilled to ride a horse--NOPE!

She was even hesitant to pet the horse.

Free Horseback Riding -- August 13, 2010

A local childcare facility was having an open house with free activities and food

so we decided to take a look. Sawyer was thrilled that there were free horseback rides. He

rode on two different horses and was all smiles.

He loved the free train ride as well.

(The best part was the free ice cream from the ice cream truck.

Can't beat that!)

The Bandage -- August 2011

The special bandage that meant no baths for Sawyer for 10 days.

Sawyer pulling his bandage off all by himself.

The steri-strips below--He had to wait 8 more days for these to fall off.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Christian Youth Theater Summer Camp -- August 2011

Makenna, Bridger, & Hunter spent a week at CYT's Cinderella Kids camp.

They had a blast! Hunter was the king. Bridger was Prince Charming and Makenna was

the Fairy Godmother. All three of them did a smashing job at the end performance.

Our very own Fairy Godmother...Ms. Makenna.

Cinderella Kids

Cinderella and Bridger dancing at the ball.

Bridger and Hunter share the stage.

Cinderella Kids -- August 12, 2011

Hunter was SO excited to sign his autograph.

Oncology Visit -- August 8, 2011

Handsome Sawyer

What a brave boy! Since his port's out, he had to have his

blood draw this way. Sawyer just sat there and didn't peep.

Waiting for Dr. Lawlor

Taylor Swift Concert -- August 3

I won FOUR tickets to a Taylor Swift concert.

The concert was awesome and so were our seats!

August 2011

Our handsome Bridger on his 10th birthday -- August 11, 2011.

We surprised him with a birthday cake at his CYT theater camp!

Hard to believe Britton will be 2 in a month.

Here she is taking her 23 month old bear picture.

The stinker pulled her bow out right before

the picture.

My beautiful girls ready for church-

August 7.

Port Removal Surgery -- August 2, 2011

This picture's out of order-later in the day after Sawyer's surgery,

Sarah took him to see some new puppies. This puppy loved Sawyer.

4:15 a.m. heading to the hospital.

Heading in with a port -- excited to be leaving later without a port.

Port Removal Surgery -- August 2, 2011

Waiting to be called back.

Happy to be in the playroom.

Port Removal Surgery -- Aug. 2, 2011

Sawyer's not quite sure if he wants to touch the mask. He's really interested

in the stickers, though.

Unhappy about the mask--he hates those masks.

Sawyer's happy with his newly decorated DS-compliments of the mask stickers.

Recovery Room --August 2, 2011

Deep sleep on dad.

Sawyer had no interest in juice but was happy about popsicles.

Getting the IV out so we can head home.

Heading home after "deportation"--August 2, 2011

Sawyer's pointing to his missing "baw-baw." His lips are red

from the popsicles he had after surgery.

How Sawyer solves "the sun's too bright and I can't see my DS" problem.

Sawyer's all smiles because Sarah brought him some Krispy Kreme
donuts! Yummers. You can barely see Sawyer's bandage just
below his neck.