Hunter's first day of preschool--Monday, Sept. 8th. He was so excited to go. In fact today (his 2nd day of preschool) he was up at the crack of dawn--dressed and with his backpack on. Sawyer's the little boy playing in the background.

Sawyer's first angel mail. He was so excited to get some mail! (I don't know why he does these silly grins.)

Wow, a package from another angel! Sawyer (& his siblings) were thrilled to open up this box.

Sawyer received a Power Ranger DVD. He was ecstatic! When we put the DVD in, he immediately grabbed his Power Ranger mask and started making some Power Ranger moves.

Sawyer (& Hunter) got into the packing peanuts while Mom was helping Bridger practice the piano. Mom could hear giggling in the next room-she had no idea why the boys were having so much fun until she went to investigate.