Friday, February 22, 2008

3rd Consult with Dr. Arceci--February 21, 2008

Enjoying the new fish tank.
Watching "Cars" for 5 seconds.
Sawyer entertained us with some karate moves after he put on these gloves. Wish I would have had the video camera.
Look at all the construction.
Drawing some pictures while we wait.

3rd Consult with Dr. Arceci--February 21, 2008

Look at all my pictures...

Daddy's drawing me a ghost.
Blowing bubbles on the long car ride home.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Treatment #16 -- February 19, 2008

Watching a little Thomas the Tank Engine before heading for Flashes of Hope pictures. (This is what led to Sawyer's big temper tantrum.) Hunter brought his Ninja Turtles along to keep him company.
Our skeleton Sawyer...he picked out this shirt to wear today. Everyone got a kick out of it. The photographer was hoping that Sawyer would let him take a picture of the shirt with Sawyer standing up--nope!
Hunter was such a big help during our visit and so well-behaved. He even took a few pictures for me. After snapping some, he asked that I take his picture. Here's what I got!
Here's one of Hunter's pictures--Sawyer fell asleep soon after his screaming fit.
My cute boys can see that Hunter is really into his LeapFrog workbook--Hunter has just started reading little 3-letter words and boy is he excited. He begs me to let him read this workbook. Pretty good for a not quite 4 year old! (Let's just say that my kids keep me hopping in more ways than one!)

Treatment #16 -- February 19, 2008

The ride home--You can see Hunter passed out in the back with the Build-a-Bear box and Sawyer enjoying his Spiderman bear. This bear kept him entertained the whole ride home (one hour.)
Sawyer enjoying his bear at home.
Our Mr. Happy--Notice Sawyer's poor eczema face--this should clear up this week since he'll be on steroids.
A few days ago Terry and I noticed that Sawyer's scar (the site of the old port) is growing again! Really strange! It's been over a month since surgery and until just a few days ago Sawyer's incision was just a large line. Now it is growing into an oval shape again. Weird! I asked the nurse practioner about it but she thinks it's because of his eczema--doesn't make sense as his other scar is healing wonderfully and hasn't changed at all. I'll have Dr. Arceci take a look at it this Thursday and see if he has any ideas. (I took these pictures this morning--Feb. 20--before Sawyer hopped in the bath. Of course, he thought his mommy was crazy making him stop for pictures before he jumped in the bath.)
In this picture you can see how far Sawyer's new port sticks out.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! February 14, 2008

The Johnston 4 wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Our Heartbreaker.
Mr. Sawyer was more interested in reading books.
Eating at the Valentine's Day party Mommy planned for our church play group--21 children came!
Eating Valentine's Day treats with Makenna's 3rd grade class!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

MRI & Full Skeletal Survey -- February 7, 2008

Mr. Cool Dude waiting to be called back for his MRI. Thankfully, Mommy found the sunglasses and necklace in my diaper bag as she and Julie were running out of things to keep me entertained. I sure turned into a new person with these glasses on-I danced around and visited everyone in the room.
More waiting...
Watching the technicians set up the room for my skeletal survey. I was fine as long as I was sitting on Mommy's leg. You can see that hair is growing back in my bald spot--it's harder to detect where the bald spot was. My hair's still really thin, though.
Zonked out after a LONG day at the hospital...finally, heading home!
Getting ready to start my 21 month old bear photo shoot-February 8, 2008.

Sawyer's 21 Month Old Bear Picture--February 8, 2008

Not quite a smile because Sawyer is saying, "See." He's more interested in seeing himself on the digital camera than taking the picture.